Monday, March 15, 2010

So, tomorrow evening I'm having a "party", and I've spent the day obsessing about how NOT clean the house is and trying to fix that. But seeing as it was another one of those rare warm sunny days, I had to spend it outside.
You see, I suffer from severe anxiety disorder and clinical depression, so when the sun comes out, I NEED to be outside, or I end up punishing myself and feeling guilty.
So, I made myself useful outside and detailed my car. Yes, I'm a woman-a married woman at that- and I am the one who does all the car related stuff. My dad was a mechanic his whole life, not to mention having 4 big brothers, so I am naturally inclined to do these things. Needless to say I hate cooking.
So anyway, I spent the majority of the day outside enjoying this beautiful weather. I'm trying to think more positively now, because there are too many negatives in my life and as my hero Dean Koontz once said, "despair is a foolish squandering of precious time."
So I'll leave it at that for today, not too exciting but as I understand it I need to post something every day if I have any hope of getting anyone to read this.

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