Friday, March 19, 2010


Okay. You've probably all heard the saying "God will never give you more than you can handle."? I've always believed that but now I'm getting to the point where what I really believe is that I must be the toughest bitch around, because I'm still managing to "handle it".
Today my husband took my daughter for her guitar lesson with her uncle(my brother) and when he came home he told me that they are not planning to have a birthday party for their son, who will turn one in a few days.
When he was born, my brother and his girlfriend asked me to be my new nephews godmother.
Of course I accepted, my brother is one of the most important people in my life, and their son is the most amazing child I've ever met. This is coming from someone with 2 kids of her own, so you know I wouldn't say that lightly. There's something special about him. He's like a baby genius and he's the most affectionate kid ever!
So anyway, now that my brother and his now wife are studying with the J.W.s again, I guess I am no longer his godmother, I can't even buy him a birthday gift! But the worst part of it all is that their eternity is now in question. I'm terrified of losing them but I'm even more terrified of them losing everything.
You see, Jehovahs' Witnesses don't believe in hell. They believe that the good ones will live in paradise here on earth, and the unworthy ones (everyone who's not one of them) will just be fertilizer. That may sound tempting to many people, but the idea of just existing forever here on earth is kinda like being locked in a room with all of my Dean Koontz books-FOREVER-and having to read them all over and over again....when what I really want is to meet the author himself.
God is the artist who created this planet and all others, so why is it that they dont care about meeting the artist? I say they're just in it for the art. To me that's selfish.
Me on the other hand, I do believe in hell. Where it is I don't know. I don't claim to know my bible inside and out, I couldn't preach to a rock.
But I know what I believe without even the tiniest doubt, because I've experienced things that can not be explained in any other way than to admit that God showed me.
So, if the J.W.s are right, I'm just worm food anyway so it's really not an issue.
But if they're wrong and there is a hell, well, I hate to say it but I'm afraid I may lose at least 7 loved ones.
So this is an area where I'd really like to be wrong. Give them paradise. Save my mother and big brother from hell. Let them live forever in a perfect world where there will be no pain, aging, death, sadness, illness....I'm more than willing to just be worm food if it would spare them.
But I couldn't make myself believe anything different even if I tried.
This is why I am broken.

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