Thursday, March 11, 2010

the curse continues...

They say "don't go to bed angry" but what else can I do, just stay up all night? How is it possible to love someone unconditionally but still carry this huge amount of rage towards them? If anyone out there has had any personal experience with Jehovahs' Witnesses, whether it be someone in your family or even yourself, please, I need someone who understands to help me to try and understand.
I love my mom very much, but when I look at what my family has and is still going through because of her beliefs, I want to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her and make her see what she's doing!
I can't be the only one who has these feelings.
I need to stop now but I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. Ugh. My dad's second wife was a Witness. He had two years of Xmas's to pay back once that one was done.

  2. How badly did it affect your family? He's lucky it was only 2 years. A lot of damage can be done in a very short time. I don't know if we'll ever recover.
