Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Beginning

It all started with my mom making one bad choice. Well actually it was a collection of bad choices that led up to her starting to study with Jehovahs' Witnesses. She was pregnant with me at the time. 35 years ago.
My family had always been strictly oldschool Mennonite before this, and when she started studying with them, things got really bad. There were 7 of us kids at home, but most of the older ones got out early. Ran away, or just moved out. Unfortunately I was the youngest of the 7, and I got to see a lot. Those of us who didn't leave had to go to the bible studies, get teased at school, forced to go house to house with mom and watch people slam the door in her face. I thought it was bad as a kid.
Now, as a mother of 2, it's so much worse. She refused to come to my wedding because it was in a church. She doesn't come to birthday parties, or even call for that matter. She has 21 grandchildren and has never been to a birthday party, baptism, Christmas play, NOTHING!
Unbelieveably, one of my brothers and his wife are also J.W.s.....and another one of my brothers, who was already baptized as a J.W. but got disfellowshipped, is once again studying along with his wife.
They change. They are not the people I grew up with, looked up to, had fun with, or trusted.
So my question is this: If JEHOVAHS' WITNESSES are so loving and accepting and PERFECT, why do we as their biological families feel so hurt and unloved and abandoned?

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